Wednesday, August 5, 2009

No Flying Today

Weather did not cooperate yesterday for flying. It was really raining and thunderstorming. Basically terrible conditions for flying. The check-out got moved to Friday, which means that I can’t fly on Thursday night now. That’s not awful I guess, but it would have been fun. Maybe I’ll schedule next Thursday for a night flight. I am excited for the opportunity to do so. In reality, I just want to get my solo endorsement back so that I can work on those hours I need to have. Then, a little bit later on in my training I can get my solo cross country endorsement and once that I complete I’ll be almost ready for my check ride.

I got the FAR/AIM in the mail yesterday. It contains the knowledge that I need to know as a pilot. But there is some stuff in there for pilots who want to be instrument rated as well as multi engine rated, so I don’t have to learn it all. Right now I am studying to make sure I know my airspace restrictions and my emergency procedures. Feel free to quiz me if you see me. I want to make sure I have them down.

I can’t wait to get back in the seat again. I had some of my best flying last Saturday and I want to experience that again.

Here is a image of what a plane had to do yesterday to avoid the storm (click the image and look at the green line of the aircrafts path):

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