Monday, August 3, 2009

Changing the Oil

Today I helped change the oil in 146K.  It was pretty easy.  8 quarts required plus the oil in the filter. The hardest part was putting the cowling back on.  I may have earned some flying credit doing so, which will cut down on costs.  I think we are going to do SV next Monday.  Hooray!

I got a note from Nate Nelson, my CFI, today.  He can't fly with me on Friday or Saturday this weekend due to some prior commitments.  I want to try to fly on thursday evening for a night flight.  I think that would be really fun.  I know that was next on my schedule with Steve Keller, my former CFI.  I'm not sure if he will want to do that though becuase I don't know how comfortable he is with the airport and my plane doesn't have GPS, just VORs.  I'm ok with that, they really make sure you know how to navigate without the use of something easy like a GPS.

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