Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Girlfriend and My Dog

I went for a really great flight yesterday. Probably the best one I had in a long time. Probably the best one since I flew at night for the first time. While the actual flight was uneventful, the experience was fantastic. Annie, Bo (the dog) and I went up to Muncie (MIE) from Eagle Creek (EYE). Bo and Annie were both kind of nervous at first but the both settled in. Bo took a nap after looking out the windows for a while. He wasn't happy to stay in the plane when Annie and I ate dinner at Kacy J's on the field at Muncie, but he was rewarded with a slice of pizza when we got back to the plane.

The flight back was at night, and Annie was loving it. She took a little nap on the way there like Bo, but played on the iPhone on the way back. It was good for her to be a little bit more relaxed. We landed without any issue, fueled up and taxied back to the hanger. A good flight, 1.5 on the hobbs and a good meal in the stomach.

Now, despite what you may think, this is not what I wanted to post about here. I want to discuss a great organization called Pilots-n-Paws. Any pilots, even just volunteers, can go to their website and sign up on the forums. I've done two rescue flights for PilotsNPaws. One was a rescue flight of 9 little puppies. The photos are at the following link:

The second rescue was basset hound named Bo. Not the same Bo that I have, that's pictured above and is half Shar-Pei and half Yellow Lab, but another Bo. This Bo was huge. About 85 lbs. He had yeast infections in his ears and smelly smelly farts. None the less, he was being rescued. I flew him from Eagle Creek to Hopkinsville, KY. His new owner/best friend was there to meet us. He was an older guy clearly looking for a good friend. I knew immediately it was a good match.

I really want to do some more rescues this summer, and I'm sure I will. Until them, I urge every reader to check out the website and sign up for the forums. You won't regret it!


  1. Such a good thing you're doing with P&P - I've been a little hesitant to join as a renter but it's something I'd love to get more involved in.

    By the way, how's the food at the new place at MIE? I might need to head over for a $100 burger soon.

  2. It's pretty good. I had a salad and a burger. Annie had a salad and a kids pizza. Burger was good, well cooked. The other people there looked like they liked it too. It was $23 after tax and two drinks. Not too bad.

  3. Good enough for me! I'll add it to my list for this spring - maybe we can meet up there at some point.

  4. Sounds awesome. Shoot me an email at ben [at] benlauer [dot] com sometime.
