Thursday, August 20, 2009

Solo Flight

I soloed yesterday!  Right after work I headed down to Eagle Creek and did 5 Take-off and Landings.  4 of them were full stop and the last one I did was a touch and go. 
The first take-off was just a regular one, to make sure I felt comfortable.  Let me tell you, the plane climbs MUCH faster with only one person it in.  It was nuts.
The second and third take off were "soft field" take offs.  The goal there is to keep the nose wheel barely touching the ground and to lift off in to ground effect until I gain speed.
The fouth take off was a short field take off, which seemed to work quite well, probably because I was the only person in the plane. haha.
The fifth was normal, and the fifth landing was fantastic.  There was a slight cross wind, and I came in crabbed and then started my slip.  I touched down on the upwind gear and then nicely brought down the otherside.  I remember to get the carb heat everytime but one too, so that was better.
I'm flying to French Lick tonight with Nate.  This will be the last time I have to night fly.  Hooray, another requirement done. (hopefully)

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