Friday, August 7, 2009

Sky-Vu Check Out

I met and flew with John Oot today. I had a great time. He is a fantastic teaching instructor and really helped me with a few items. We did some stalls, steep turns and TOLS. My landings were pretty good, they were all me so that was good. We flew for 1.2 hours and now I will get to fly with Nathan Nelson on Tuesday.

I did get to fly 146K for the first time, and well, I LOVE that plane. The controls are effortless and even when doing steep turns, where the pilot has to offer quite a bit of back pressure in order to keep the airplane at a constant altitude. I think I need to keep my altitude with in +/-100 ft during that manuver, and I think I kept it within 80 ft, which is awesome. I think for stalls I need to shoot for not losing more than 150 ft of altitude from the start to the end of the stall. It's much harder for me, but still achievable.

146K is an older plane compared with what I am used to. I flew planes made in 2001 at MQJ, and this is from 1982. It's still a great plane though.

After my flight I met up with Annie and Charlotte and we chatted about flying and stuff. After dinner we all went back to the airplane and sat in it to see what it would be like. Charlotte is more comfortable about planes than Annie, so I'm hoping some of that rubs off.

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