Saturday, August 1, 2009

Last Flight from MQJ?

Today I flew with Mat Dolezal. He is a flight instructor at Indy Aero, an Fixed Base Operator (FBO) at Mount Comfort (MQJ). I have done all of my flight training at MQJ from this point on, but tomorrow will be different. Anyway, we'll get to that tomorrow. Here is a little history of my flight at MQJ.

September 11, 2008 - Discovery Flight with Nate Nelson
- This hooked me. I took the controls during take-off and helped with the landing. Everything else in between was me. Fantastic!

November 2, 2008. SOLO! I did my three solo Take Off and Landings this day at Shelbyville (GEZ). This will always hold a special place in my flying heart. haha.

November 20th - Broken foot, stopped flying for the time being...

July 25th 2009 - After 8 months of not flying I started again. It was phenomenal.

August 1, 2009 - Today!
Mat and I did a mini practical test today. Hood Work, which is simulated instrument flying. Steep Turns, 45 degrees of bank. Engine out procedure, we put the throttle back to idle and find a suitable field to land in (and then put the throttle back in before we do...ha). Ground Reference Maneuvers, turns around a point on the ground or S-turns along a line (road). Upset recovery (I cover my eyes and put on the hood and then the instructor orients the airplane randomly and then I have to recover to straight and level flight. Slow Flight, flying the airplane on the "back" of the power curve.

It was a fantastic day. I did 3 landings that required no help from the instructor. I loved it.
Tomorrow I am meeting with Brad Wood that will be showing me the aircraft in the Sky-Vu flying club, which I am joining. I am excited. It is based out of Indy Metropolitan (UMP) and Eagle Creek Airpark (EYE). It's nice because I live so close to EYE. I can't wait to solo again.

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