Wednesday, August 12, 2009

First Time Back with Nelson

Yesterday was a good flight. Nate Nelson and I did a 5 touch and goes at Eagle Creek. There are a few things that are different in this plane compared to the other 172s I've been flying, so I needed to get those things cemented into my routine. Carb Heat is one of them. I need to remember to turn carb heat on anytime I am not in the green arc. Good knowledge for me!

I did 5 landings and 1 go around. We were in the plane for 0.8 hours and overall i think things went well. Nate didn't have to grab the controls at any time during the flight, and there was a slight crosswind from the left, which is a little bit different for me.

Some pilots have squawked about that plane having nose wheel shimmy, which is when the front wheel shakes back and forth due to it not tracking straight on the runway. this only happens toward the end of landings and can easily be fixed by just pulling back on the elevator. I need to add that to my routine as well. :D

I'm pumped for the night flight, and I am going to work on planning for my cross country on saturday over the next few days.

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